امتیاز مقالات علمی

لغات پرکابرد در نوشتن مقالات علمی

در این مطلب به معرفی برخی از پرکابردترین لغات در نوشتن مقالات علمی می پردازیم.

Stating Your Opinion (بیان نظر)

?In my opinion,
?According to me,
?In my view,
?To me,
?From my point of view,
?I think
?It seems to me that
?I believe
?From my perspective
?To my way of thinking
?It appears that
?I suppose
?I realize
?I understand
?I imagine
?I feel

Giving Examples (مثال آوردن)

?For example,
?For instance,
?such as
?In other words,
?that is
?To illustrate
?To paraphrase

Comparing (مقایسه ، بیان شباهت ها)

?Similar to
?in common
?In the same way,
?At the same time
?Just as

Contrasting (مقایسه ، بیان تفاوت ها)

?On the contrary,
?On the other hand,
?Differ from
?Even though

Generalizing (جمع بندی)

?Generally speaking,
?On the whole,
?It seems to me that
?I believe
?All in all,
?As a rule,
?All things considered
?For the most part

Expressing Certainty (بیان قطعیت)

?No doubt,
?Of course,

Expressing Partial Agreement (بیان موافقت نسبی)

?More or less,
?To some extent,
?Up to a point,
?In a way,
?So to speak,

Showing cause (بیان علت)

?Due to
?Because of

Showing effect (بیان معلول)

?As a result,
?For this reason,

classification (طبقه بندی)

?First of all,
?To begin with
?At the same time
?After this / that
?Following this
?As soon as

Adding Information (اضافه کردن دلایل دیگر)

?In addition
?As well as

Expressing condition (جملات شرطی)

?In case
?Provided that
?So that

 Concluding (نتیجه گیری)

?To summarize
?In conclusion
?To conclude with,
?In short,

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *